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NSG505 community mobilization helps in the actualization of health care advocacy. Community mobilization refers to the process of engaging a community in the identification of community needs, priorities, resources, and solutions. This helps to promote representative participation, good governance, accountability, and peaceful participation. Health care advocacy encompasses service to individuals or families as well as activities that promote health to the community. Besides, it supports and promotes the rights of patients in the health care arena. Community mobilization helps to empower communities and enable them to initiate and control their development. This, therefore, helps to strengthen the community participation for sustainability and self-reliance

Read more on NSG505 community mobilization and health care advocacy at;


NSG505 community mobilization increases the capacity of a community to identify and address its needs. This, therefore, enables them to address and generate local solutions to the problems. Moreover, it helps the community to work together and achieve a common goal. For example, the participatory approach in this practice helps in health care advocacy thus bringing solutions to health care issues in the community. Moreover, it contributes to the sustainability of a given action since the community understands the problems and is willing to stay with the solution. Moreover, it helps to build a trusted relationship with the community hence ensures the sustainability of emergency preparedness efforts.

Read more on the importance of NSG505 community mobilization at;


Health care advocacy in nursing helps to mediate between physicians and patients while considering the patient’s beliefs and concerns. This therefore3 enables nurses to understand their patients, their cultural beliefs, and potential barriers to treatment. Thus making these concerns known to the providers improves patient compliance and outcomes. With the help of organizations, it allows for nurses to advocate for patients through activities like NSG 505 community mobilization thus this helps to push for policies that benefit community health and treatment results. Moreover, it helps the nurse to bring real-time patient concerns to the table with the help of knowledge gathered from various sources.

Read more on the benefits of health care advocacy in nursing at;

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