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The types of organizational culture in different organizations require good organizational strategies to achieve the target goals and objectives. Fundamentally, organizational culture consists of the values, attitudes, and practices which individuals within an organization share. Resultantly, it creates the personality of an organization. Additionally, it contributes significantly to the overall satisfaction of employees. A strong organizational culture attracts the right candidates to an organization and ensures employee engagement. Contrarily, organizational strategies are roadmaps that explain how organizations need to evolve to meet their goals and visions. Moreover, they describe the allocation of resources and support other activities such as inventory and infrastructure.

Read more on the types of organizational culture and good organizational strategies at;


The best types of organizational culture are those that support the strategy of an organization. Optimal culture is the organizational culture that best supports the organization’s strategy. Moreover, in combination with good organizational strategies it leads to organizational success. An organization should tailor its own optimal culture. Therefore, a company may not meet its goals and visions by applying the optimal culture of another organization. Actual culture is the culture that an organization or department currently has. Furthermore, it is important to use a valid and objective method to measure actual culture to guarantee accuracy and objectivity.

Read more on the different types of organizational culture at;


Good organizational strategies are measurable. Moreover, it is important to stay on track and regularly measure the performance of the organization. Additionally, an organizational strategy should be specific. The organization should have specific goals and visions that it intends to meet. In addition, being specific saves time and effort to enable the organization to make quick decisions. Good organizational strategies should be realistic and match the types of organizational culture present in the organization.

Read more on the features of good organizational strategies at;

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