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The study of the types of organizational behavior helps a business or organization to achieve effective management of performance. Organizational behavior is the study of the way that individuals act within groups. It enables an organization to function more effectively. Moreover, it includes the areas of research that concentrate on increasing job performance, promoting innovation, encouraging leadership, and increasing job satisfaction. Also, it helps in reorganizing groups, changing methods of performance management, and modifying compensation structures. Organizational behavior models help to create strategies that get employees to perform in a specific way in certain situations. Company leaders should provide an environment for the success of their employees.

Read more on the types of organizational behavior and management of performance at;


There are several management types of organizational behavior. The first type is the autocratic model. Furthermore, this model places the manager in charge and the subordinates in a position to obey commands. Also, it establishes consequences for lack of performance or insubordination. This may become a hindrance to increasing job performance. The custodial model the management cares for the employee’s personal needs. Consequently, this may help an organization to work towards effective management of performance. Contrastingly, the collegial model develops a structure where employees are team members whereas the managers are coaches.

Read more on the types of organizational behavior in a workplace at;


Primarily, good management of performance provides an organization with an opportunity to look into the future. This is achieved by continuously monitoring workplace performance. Additionally, it helps to build training strategies and create development. Training of employees plays a key role in increasing job performance. Moreover, effective performance management provides an opportunity for employees and employers to give their feedback. Depending on the types of organizational behavior, the management should provide an avenue for the exchange of feedback. Consequently, this makes employees feel valuable.

Read more on the importance of good management of performance at;

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