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This essay discusses the training and development elements and types of training methods. Training and development describe a variety of educational programs within organizations to improve the performance and self-fulfillment of their employees. There are two main types of training methods. They include on – job techniques such as internships and off-job techniques such as case studies. Notably, employees are the most valuable asset of a company, so investing in their training further enhances their capabilities and productivity. Therefore, the fast-paced and ever-changing the corporate world needs training and development elements to keep up with different challenges. There is a myriad of benefits that companies enjoy by incorporating training and development in their strategic plans. Providently, the chief importance of training and development is to ensure successful business continuity and overall employee development.

Read more on the training and development elements and types of training methods at


Training and development elements begin with clearly outlining training objectives and the overall strategy and goals of an organization. Thus, the training program should relate to both the specific individual needs and overall company goals. The latter stresses the importance of training and development, which focuses on both employee and organizational development. Then, this information assists in identifying areas needed for training by the organization by assessing both internal and external resources. The next step involves designing training programs and education of training materials to ensure understanding. The latter is the core activity of the training and development function. The implementation and evaluation of training programs for continuous improvement are the final steps. Thus, the most valuable types of training methods align the employees’ way of working to the company’s own culture and core objectives.

Read more on the application and concepts of training and development elements at


There are generally two types of training methods, on-the-job techniques, and off-the-job techniques. On-the-job training describes a variety of approaches that are applied while employees are performing their jobs. These methods might include orientations, coaching, apprenticeships, internships, job instruction training, and job rotation. Notably, the training and development elements are vital for the effective implementation of training methods. Alternatively, Off-the-job techniques describe training methods that are delivered to employees outside of the regular work environment, though often during working hours. These techniques might include lectures, conferences, case studies, role-playing, simulations, film or television presentations, and programmed instruction. In conclusion, the importance of training and development not only applied to employees’ evolution but also impacts the company’s productivity and profitability as a whole. Therefore, organizations should incorporate training strategies to gain a competitive edge in the dynamic business environment.

Read more on the importance and types of training methods at

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