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This essay discusses the immune system lines of defense and types of immunity. The immune system is a network of cells, tissues, and organs that protects the body from infection and disease. Consequently, there are three types of immunity; innate, acquired, and passive. Foreign substances that trigger an immune response are called antigens. There are three immune system lines of defense that a pathogen needs to cross to develop infection inside the body. Therefore, the immune system can be activated to generate two types of immune responses; nonspecific and specific adaptive response. Additionally, the main components of the immune system are white blood cells, antibodies, the complement system, the lymphatic system, the spleen, the thymus, and the bone marrow. Thus, these are the parts of the immune system that actively fight infection.

Read more on the immune system lines of defense and types of immunity at


There are three immune system lines of defense against foreign invaders. The first line of defense is physical and chemical barriers. They include skin, hair, cilia, urine, Lysozyme, Gastric juice, Saliva, Acidity, and Sebum. The second line of defense is nonspecific resistance. The latter destroys invaders in a general way. They include Phagocytes, Inflammation, and Fever. The third line of defense is specific resistance, and it aims at eliminating specific pathogens encountered by the system previously. Specific resistance relies on antigens and foreign microbes. Thus, T and B cells, which are primary components of the immune system, assist a specific immune response. Conspicuously, the innate immune system provides the first and second line, whereas acquired immunity provides the third lines of defense. Thus, the types of immunity are vital for the immune system.


There are three types of immunity in humans. Innate immunity is present at birth and activates when the immune system recognizes the chemical properties of the antigens. Secondly, acquired immunity is not present at birth but learned and developed when its components attack antigens in the immune system. Notably, the immune system lines of defense are functions of the two types of immunity. The latter includes a baby receiving antibodies from the mother through breast milk following birth. The main components of the immune system are white blood cells that launch an immune attack against foreign invaders, Antibodies that help the body to fight microbes, and the lymphatic system, a network of delicate tubes throughout the body. Other components are the spleen, bone marrow, and thymus.

Read more on the types of immunity and components of the immune system at

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