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Third-wave feminism in the WST100 service-learning project emerged in the mid-1990s. The wave was led by so-called Generation Xers who were born in the 1960s and ’70s. The wave critiqued the first and second waves of feminism as they felt the waves left unfinished works. The third wave was made possible by factors like the coming of age of Generation X scholars and activists. The concept of social media in reshaping feminism had not yet happened. Some early adherents of the new approach were daughters of the second wave. Also, Third-wave corporations and foundations supported groups and individuals working towards gender, racial, and social justice. Lastly, Rebecca, daughter of the novelist and second-waver Alice Walker, contributed to the third wave feminism in WST100 service-learning project.

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Third-wave feminism in the WST100 service-learning project recently faced changes due to influence by social media. The me-too hashtag shed light on sexism across industries and gave women a platform to speak out about sexual abuse. For instance, Social media encourages a more level playing field, allowing voices of women from a broader array to get heard. The concept of social media in reshaping feminism encouraged solidarity and emphasized on shared experience. Women are, however, still underrepresented in traditional media, according to the 2017 Women’s Media Center report. Women receive only 38% of bylines in print, TV, internet, and wire news, according to the report. Social media has the potential to close this gap. In the States, for instance, women are more likely to use social media than men, therefore, promoting third-wave feminism.

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Third-wave feminism in the WTS100 service-learning project extends from the 1990s to the present. Feminism describes a political, cultural, or economic movement aimed at establishing equal rights and legal protection for women. According to Maggie Humm and Rebecca Walker, the history of feminism is in three waves. The first feminist wave was in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Third-wave feminism was from the 1990s, whereas the second wave was in the 1960s and 1970s. Feminist theory emerged from the feminist wave movements. Additionally, feminism has altered predominant perspectives in a wide range of areas within Western society, ranging from culture to law. Lastly, feminist activists and the concept of social media in reshaping feminism have both had a feminist role to play.

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