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The management process involves several activities that determine the performance of an organization. These activities include planning, finalizing strategies, making policies, and making managerial decisions to achieve the goals and objectives of an organization. Moreover, managers need to set up a plan, organize the available resources, and lead employees to work according to the plan, and control all activities by monitoring and managing the plan’s effectiveness. Additionally, the management process creates and maintains an environment where personnel works together in groups to effectively accomplish the goals. Also, it is a continuous process with different functions.

Read more on the management process and performance of an organization at;


Primarily, the management process has four functions. These are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Planning is a decision-making process that involves setting the future course of action from a set of alternatives to reach them. Furthermore, it involves selecting goals and objectives and creating ways of achieving them. Organizing involves determining the assembling and coordination of activities and resources. Additionally, it is key to improving the performance of an organization. Leading involves influencing people for a particular reason or purpose. It helps to promote the effectiveness and efficiency of the activities of an organization.

Read more on the function of the management process at;


Essentially, to improve the performance of an organization, it is important to engage employees to enable the organization to achieve its goals and objectives. This strengthens their commitment and ensures that they deliver the best performance. Moreover, it is important to build a strong understanding of the business strategy throughout the workplace. Also, the management process of an organization should focus on its strategies for long-term success. It is also essential to leverage high-impact leadership practices to promote performance.

Read more on the ways of improving the performance of an organization at;

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