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The economics of healthcare and current healthcare trends are essential elements in the field of health. Everyone wishes for long healthy life. Achieving this is through the input of scarce resources that are often hard to acquire. A significant percentage of government revenue goes to healthcare to the system. This includes paying doctors, nurses, and acquiring healthcare essentials. Healthcare economics are tools for shaping the healthcare systems. Guiding of supply and demand is through valid pricing for appropriate resource allocation. The distribution of healthcare resources is uneven. Therefore, the government intervenes by ensuring health care resource allocation is even. Thus this leads to the analysis of the issues facing the healthcare system.
 economics of healthcare and current healthcare trends


The evolution of technology raises new advances in the healthcare field. There are several current healthcare trends. Firstly, the Affordable Care Act(ACA) that ensures every citizen accesses healthcare services. Secondly, the expansion of Medicaid reveals a lot of befits to the public. Some of the reforms include the inclusion of 37states and Columbia in coverage of ACA. This results in an increased number of people accessing healthcare. The third trend is the reduction of prescription drug prices. This is because high medication pricing is one of the issues facing the healthcare system.  Additionally, price transparency is another trend. The government encourages accountability in the pricing of medications. Lastly,  the pricing of medications relates to the concept of the economics of healthcare.
 current healthcare trends in the 21st century


Although there are several current healthcare trends for improving health services, there exist various challenges. These challenges need immediate addressing before they get out of hand. This section analyses the issues facing the healthcare system. One, unforeseen costs and transparency issues are continuous arising problems. Moreover, implementing the policies addressing these issues is a problem. Secondly, understanding consumer needs and experiences is not easy. Needs vary, and some consumers are reluctant to give back feedback. Also, the data and analytics section pose challenges of dynamic data. This results from the changing population and data recording system failures. Transforming these issues into opportunities is possible through the incorporation of various strategies.
 issues facing the healthcare system

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