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This research paper investigates preventive health measures and affordable care act requirements. Preventive health relates to strategies of keeping people healthy. It saves a lot of lives and money for treatment. They range from different methods, both in children and adults. One, daily aspirin is for preventing heart attacks in women over 50 years and men over 40 years. Secondly, immunization of children against various diseases such as tuberculosis and polio. Thirdly, continuous counseling of women in childbearing age to use folic supplements. As a result, this prevents congenital disabilities. Introduction of the Affordable Health Act(ACA) reveals many benefits.   There are several impacts of ACA on preventive healthcare services.
preventive health measures and affordable care act requirements


This section analyses the affordable care act requirements. The passing of the ACA was in the year 2010. The main aim is to provide affordable health care medical coverage. Employers have the mandate of providing affordable health insurance coverage. Moreover, ACA encourages the implementation of preventive health measures. Employers provide health to full-time employees if they are more than 50, according to the ACA. A full-time job is at least 30hours per week and at least 120 hours per month. A part-time employee is anyone working lesser hours than these. It also states several rules requiring strict adherence by the employees. The next section analyses the impacts of ACA on preventive healthcare services.
 affordable care requirements for employers


The common referring term of the Affordable Care Act is Obama care. It holds several positive implications on health through the facilitation of preventive health measures. Its intention of giving the public financial flexibility and promotion of equal health services. Public health community advocates for medical programs such as children’s health insurance. The impacts of ACA on preventive healthcare services include the following. One is the expansion of health facilities. As a result, improving the delivery of health services to the public. Secondly, increasing clinical coverage. The ACA includes new coverages not there before, such as HIV screening. Moreover, increasing incentives on performance and wellness. The law oversees the implementation of affordable care act requirements.
 impacts of ACA on preventive healthcare services

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