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The Cost of College and Attainment of Higher Education

This paper looks at how the cost of college prevents the attainment of higher education for people. College fee has continued to increase over the years. According to research, tuition rates have risen by 26% and 37% at private not for profit and public four-year colleges respectively. This rise has been recorded only from the past decade. Therefore, individuals from low-income families who cannot afford are forced to forego going to college and others dropping out. Furthermore, students who are lucky enough to go to college end up with heavy loan burdens. Experts advise students not to rule out any schools until they see all their financial offers.

Follow this link to learn more about how the cost of college prevents the attainment of higher education

Effects of the cost of college on different population groups

Research suggests that there is a continual increase in the cost of college today. Consequently, low and middle-income students are having a hard time more than ever when it comes to making choices. Experts in the financial aid sector fear that this increase in college costs will further widen the gap between the rich and the poor. Furthermore, college degrees continue to drift even beyond the economic reach of the developing numbers of students. In turn, this drift will make the attainment of higher education even difficult in the future. The amount that low-income and working class students pay is also increasing faster than the amount paid by middle and upper-income classmates.

Follow this link to understand more about the cost of colleges affects the attainment of higher education of low, middle and upper-class students

Factors Preventing the Attainment of Higher Education

Participating in higher education gives long-term opportunities, therefore, it is a vital process. However, there are various factors that prevent people from attaining higher education. Besides the increase in the cost of college, there are other factors that affect the attainment of higher education. Firstly, the location in which a student lives is a critical issue. This is because the residence of a student determines their accessibility to education as well as the quality. Also, issues of gender continue to be an issue in some parts of the world, especially African. This is whereby one gender is favored at the expense of the other.

Follow this link to learn more about the cost of college and attainment of higher education and factors that hinder the attainment 

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