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This essay discusses the system development process and the types of software development. Software development refers to the process of creating, designing, deploying, and supporting software. Software is the set of instructions that govern computer resources. Consequently, there are four basic types of software development based on their use and application. They include system, application, programmable, and embedded software. The software development process provides a series of steps for programmers to create computer programs. Thus, this process provides an international standard that software companies can use to build and improve their computer programs. Also, it offers a defined structure for development teams to follow in the design, creation, and maintenance of high-quality software. Programmers, software engineers, and software developers conduct the software development process. Hence, the latter uses the two software development methodologies; agile and waterfall model.

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The software development process involves several steps. First, needs identification involves market research conducted to identify the functions and services the software would provide to its target consumers. Secondly, Requirement Analysis involves the stakeholders agreeing on the technical and user specifications of the proposed product. In the Design stage, the architects and developers draw up advanced technical specifications to create the software to requirements. Thus, they decide on the types of system development. The next stage is the development and implementation of the design parameters, based on the product specifications. Front-end and back-end developers apply the software development methodologies. The testing phase checks the software for bugs and verifies its performance before delivery to users. Lastly, once the software is defect-free, the developers can deliver it to customers while also offering maintenance services.

Read more on the software development process and types of software developers at


There are four basic types of software development. Application software provides functionality for users to perform tasks. Examples include office productivity suites, media players, and booking systems. Secondly, System software provides core computer functions such as operating systems, disk management, utilities, and hardware management. Examples of OS include Windows and Mac. Thirdly, Programming software provides software developers with the tools to do their job, including code editors, compilers, linkers, and debuggers. Lastly, Embedded software enables the control of machines and devices, including automobiles, phones, and robots. There are two software development methodologies. The agile method involves separating the project into several small and consumable packages within a timeframe. Alternatively, the Waterfall model breaks all the activities down into several linear sequential phases. In conclusion, the software development process is vital for the types of software development.


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