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When it comes to supporting good practice in managing employment relations, managers should ensure that employees work in the best conditions possible. Creating a sociable environment helps the employees to benefit from the importance of work-life balance. employee communication, employee engagement, and diversity in the workplace are some of the factors which impact on employment relationships. Therefore, managers must work toward better conflict resolution methods. They should also formulate policies to guide how people relate with each other in the workplace. Fair treatment of all employees is key. This includes areas of remuneration and leadership.

For more information on supporting good practice in managing employment relations


All employees should be protected from any form of discrimination. Employee rights are some of the factors which impact on employment relationships. Diversity in today’s workplaces may give way to some forms of harassment. Therefore, treatment of all employees should be fair enough. When the rights of each employee are respected, people can work together in harmony. Therefore, the personal lives of the employees will not affect nor be affected by work relations. High output is one of the importance of work-life balance. Employees should also exercise their responsibilities diligently. They should portray a sense of loyalty to their employers to support good practice in managing employment relations.

For more information on employee rights in improving employment relations


Termination is one of the factors which impact on employment relationships. Termination of employment relationship is possible under certain conditions. One, because of the expiry of its existing term. Two,  dismissal, cancellation or in special circumstances. Both employer and employee may terminate the employment relationship with their managers when grounds for termination as provided for by law exist. During employee termination, employee rights explain the importance of fair contract termination; termination. This helps in supporting good practice in managing employment relations. Diligent employees can adapt to new places of work as a result of the importance of work-life balance. This means that someone’s personal life does not interfere with any place of work.

For more information on termination of employment relationships

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