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Successful community development involves the collective actions of people to generate solutions to the problems of a community. Furthermore, it is a process where the members of a community and agencies identify and take collective action on issues that are important to them. Resultantly, community development empowers the community members and creates stronger connections within the community. Additionally, it is a holistic approach encompassing the principles of empowerment, human rights, self-determination, inclusion, and social justice. Moreover, it values community knowledge and wisdom and considers the members of a community to be experts in their lives and communities.

Read more on the successful community development and problems of a community at;


Successful community development begins with the identification of the problems of a community. This may involve formal or informal methods to determine the capacities and needs of the community. Moreover, it is essential to identify the organizational stakeholders to facilitate the process. The next step is identifying the strategies to address these issues. Furthermore, it is important to engage the members of a community in the discussion of issues. Identification and acquisition of resources help to implement a specific program strategy with the community. Additionally, conducting formative and summative evaluations is crucial to determine the achievement of goals and objectives.


Fundamentally, analyzing the problems of a community helps to understand the root cause of a problem. Moreover, involving the members of a community assists to provide clarity about the problems and their causes. Analysis of community problems also helps to determine the barriers and resources for addressing these problems. This promotes successful community development by enabling the acquisition of the right resources. Furthermore, analysis helps in the development of the best action plan to address the problems.

Read more on the importance of analyzing the problems of a community at;

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