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Malnutrition in children is a deficiency that arises due to poor quality of diet and poor health conditions. Moreover, it occurs in children of all ages but young children are more vulnerable. Understanding the major causes of malnutrition helps parents to formulate good dietary habits for themselves and their children. Additionally, malnutrition may occur when children do not eat enough of the right foods. However, it may also occur when a child eats too much of the wrong food. Poor nutritional habits result in lower core strength, slower problem-solving ability, and slower muscle response time.

Read more on malnutrition in children and poor quality of diet at;


Malnutrition in children may result from poor maternal health. Some children are born small because of the malnourishment of their mothers. Moreover, mothers with malnourishment may have trouble breastfeeding their infants. Resultantly, the infant may not acquire the health benefits of breast milk. Poor quality of diet may also cause malnourishment in children. Therefore, good dietary habits are essential to prevent the malnourishment of young children. Additionally, malnourishment may result from poverty. Some families may lack access to fresh fruits and vegetables because they may be quite expensive. Similarly, war and conflict may cause severe food insecurity resulting in malnutrition.


Fundamentally, poor quality of diet may increase the risk of chronic diseases. Contrarily, good dietary habits protect against these diseases. Moreover, a poor quality diet has consequences on physical health and may put a person`s mental health at risk. Additionally, low-quality diets do not provide enough nutrients that the brain requires to function properly. Poor quality of diet may lead to malnutrition in children. Consequently, this leads to poor health among such children as malnourishment increases complications and vulnerability to illnesses like tuberculosis.

Read more on the consequences of poor quality of diet at;

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