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This dissertation analyses the stages of drug abuse and drug abuse prevention measures in society. People addicted to drugs undergo various predictable stages before being fully addicted. Comprehending these stages is key in recognizing the problem and appropriately addressing it. The following are the stages of drug abuse.  Experimentation is the first stage, which is the voluntary use of drugs. The second stage is regular use that does not necessarily mean daily but involves frequent use with friends or alone. The third stage is the risky use, whereby an individual suffers social, emotional, or physical problems from using drugs. In the dependence stage, one becomes affected if they don’t use the drug. Lastly, the addiction stage is where the individual loses control of use. There are various drug abuse impacts on family members.

Read more on stages of drug use and drug abuse prevention at


Continuous use of drugs puts people at the risk of becoming addicts. Moreover, drug abuse results in serious health risks and fatal outcomes. Therefore, noting the stages of drug abuse is essential for preventing the escalation to the addiction stage. The risk factors for drug abuse relatively increases in adulthood. This may result from trauma, loss of jobs, and divorce. In children, the risk factors are assault, trauma, and poverty. Drug abuse prevention measures include the following. The carrying out of research-based prevention programs in eliminating risks of drug use. Additionally, undertaking extensive awareness of drug abuse impacts on family members as a strategy of reducing drug usage.

Read more on understanding drug abuse prevention measures at


Substance use disorders are related to several factors. These are social, economic, psychiatric, family, and medical factors. The disorders not only affect the victims but also affects their family members. The drug abuse impacts on family members include the following. Creation of an emotional burden through the feeling of frustration, anger, and worry. Secondly, it creates an emotional burden in terms of money used on treatment and sustainability of drug addicts. Thirdly, it leads to relationship distress due to high levels of tension and conflicts. Fourthly, it affects the development of the fetus in pregnant mothers abusing drugs. Also, it may result in family instability that leads to divorce and separation. Therefore, drug abuse prevention measures are critically essential for preventing these outcomes.

Read more on drug abuse impacts on family members at

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