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This paper analyzes the solutions to human trafficking and the effects of prostitution. Human trafficking involves the trade of human beings for use in forced labor, commercial sexual exploitation, or slavery. Countries that legalize prostitution usually experience a higher rate of human trafficking than in countries where prostitution is illegal. Legalizing prostitution increases the market for sex workers which causes an increase in the demand for sex workers. However, criminalizing it slows down the rate of human trafficking as it minimizes prostitution. Traffickers often involved in other illegal activities such as smuggling, immigration, and prostitution.
 solutions to human trafficking and the effects of prostitution


One of the easiest solutions to human trafficking is the donation of money to an organization that fights human trafficking. The donated funds usually help to run and sustain these organizations. The organizations also require volunteers that assist in the campaign against human trafficking by educating people and providing support to victims of human trafficking. Victims of human trafficking are often those suffering from the effects of prostitution as a result of sexual exploitation through sex trafficking. Inventing ways of lowering the demand for sex workers is a way of eliminating human trafficking.
 simple solutions to human trafficking activities


The demand for sex workers is the main reason for the thriving of prostitution. The effects of prostitution are destructive whether it is legalized or criminalized. Prostitution contributes greatly to the objectification of women. Those who pay to engage in prostitution tend to think that whatever they do to the sex worker is acceptable which may lead to the abuse of women. Prostitution also normalizes violence. Sex workers are usually in danger of physical harm. Legalizing prostitution also increases the use of drugs as most sex workers use drugs upon involving themselves in prostitution. Criminalizing it also be one of the solutions to human trafficking and prostitution activities.
Read more on the negative effects of prostitution on the society at;

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