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Public health nursing is a practice that helps to improve access to care. Moreover, it is the practice of protecting and promoting the health of populations using the knowledge from social, nursing, and public health sciences. Additionally, a public health nurse looks at many factors when assessing illness or injuries. Public health nurses are active in their communities to help improve the health of the population as they offer accurate and helpful information about how people can protect their health. Furthermore, they work with senior centers, community groups, organizations, and schools to inform people about important health issues.


Public health nursing involves the monitoring of health trends and the identification of health risk factors that are unique to specific communities. In addition, it sets local priorities for health interventions to provide the greatest benefit to the health of the population. Public health nurses advocate with state, local, and federal authorities to improve the access to care for the destitute communities. Moreover, they design and implement health education campaigns and disease prevention activities such as screening and immunization. They tell people about health care programs and services that are locally available to improve access to care. Additionally, they educate and provide direct health care services to vulnerable populations.

Read more on the roles of public health nursing at;


Healthcare facilities can improve access to care by making it easy for patients to schedule appointments. This helps to eliminate barriers between patients and their healthcare providers and ensures the provision of timely care. Moreover, healthcare institutions need to ensure continuity of care to minimize errors and improve the healthcare outcome. Consequently, this helps to improve the health of the population. Additionally, healthcare facilities should promote public health nursing to provide necessary information about health issues to people within the community.

Read more on the ways to improve access to care at;

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