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The PSYU3339 arguments against corporal punishment and alternatives to physical punishment essay will discuss physical punishment and options. There are several arguments against the corporal penalty. First is that it is a form of child abuse psychologically, as well as physically. Also, it sends out the message that violence is socially acceptable. Notably, this is entirely the wrong message to be giving out. You can’t prevent violence with violence. Raising a good child can involve using other alternatives to physical punishment. Secondly, is that it doesn’t work. Importantly, there is no evidence that schools that use corporal punishment are any more disciplined than those that don’t. The PSYU3339 arguments against corporal punishment and alternatives to physical punishment research essay help in understanding corporal punishment issues.     arguments against corporal punishment


There are several alternatives to physical punishment that lead to love and positivity between children and parents. Many parents recognize the harmful effects of physical and verbal punishment. Importantly, they know that yelling, slapping, hitting, and spanking teaches violence, destroy self-esteem, and damage the parent-child relationship. But knowing what not to do is only the first step; parents wonder what they should do instead. Raising a good child can involve applying various alternatives that are not physical and violent. Examples of other options that lead to positivity include preventing unwanted behavior. That is by meeting your child’s needs when they get first expressed. Also, there is providing a safe, child-friendly environment. The PSYU3339 arguments against corporal punishment and alternatives to the physical-punishment essay highlight punishment alternatives for children.

alternatives to physical punishment that create positivity


There are several ways of raising a good child. Many parents focus attention on their children’s grades and extracurricular activities. Examples include making sure kids study, do their homework, and get to soccer practice or dance lessons prepared. We often forget to put time and effort into nurturing another component of child success and development. Implementing alternatives to physical punishment can help in raising a good child. If we want to raise children who are pleasant company, we can help guide our kids toward habits and behaviors. Especially those that promote positive character traits like kindness, generosity, and empathy for those who are less advantaged. Lastly, the PSYU3339 arguments against corporal punishment and alternatives to physical punishment essay discuss ways of raising a good child.

information on ways of raising a good child

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