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PSY390Science of human psychology and human behavioral differences are important topics in life. The PSY390science of human psychology can divide into two big areas known as experimental and social psychology. Therefore, experimental psychology uses classic laboratory-based, scientific methods to study human behavior. Whereas, social psychology tends to study how humans behave in real-world situations. Furthermore, humans are the most complex of all animals, which explains why psychology is such a vast subject. Moreover, human behavioral differences result from psychological differences in mind. Consequently, psychology proves that humans have different levels of intelligence. Moreover, once behavior or response towards a stimulus entirely depends on the level of intelligence.
 PSY390Science of human psychology and human behavioral differences


Psychology is an academic and discipline involving the scientific study of mental processes and behavior. Moreover, PSY390science of human psychology also refers to applying such knowledge to various spheres of human activity. Additionally, psychology describes and attempts to explain consciousness, behavior, and social interaction. Behaviorism is an approach to psychology basing on the proposition that behavior explains the mental states. Besides, there are human behavioral differences that prove different levels of intelligence. Furthermore, functionalism concerns the reason for a behavior. The presentation of certain stimuli to humans causes different responses. Therefore, the different levels of intelligence in humans is a deep area of study. In relation, personality differences become a major contributor.
 introduction to the science of human psychology


Historically, the study of individual differences is an area of research relatively separating from experimental psychology. PSY390science of human psychology also includes studies of individual differences, particularly those that generalize across diverse situations. However, behavior analysis is ignoring such differences. This disregard of individual differences is puzzling, given that analysts focus on the behavior of individuals rather than on a group. Consequently, there are human behavioral differences also noticeable in educational performance. Moreover, numerous tests are developing to assess intelligence, including tests of vocabulary and short-term memory span. In addition, it also assesses analogical reasoning, story construction from pictures, and logic.  Therefore, studying the different levels of intelligence significantly helps in understanding behavioral differences.
 the contribution of intelligence to human behavioral differences

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