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This essay discusses HSC3103-epidemiology of study design and study design principles that are essential in medical research. Mainly, researchers in epidemiology have an interest in measuring and accessing the relationship of exposure with a disease. First, they begin by defining the hypothesis based on the research question and decide the best-suited study design. The researcher follows the study design, which gives direction on how the investigation gets conducted. Notably, there are two classifications for the study design, and they include experimental and observational studies. The classification’s basis is the approach used to access the relationship between exposure and an outcome. Medical researchers need to understand the HSC3103-epidemiology of study design and study design principles.

the epidemiology of study design


There are several study design principles, and defining the source population is the most important in epidemiological research. For example, studies used in determining occupational risk factors should use a cohort of workers from different industries. Mainly, selecting a source population is a straightforward step, especially when choosing a cohort of workers from any industry. A cohort design involves following up a population and determining the resulting incidence of health outcomes. Primarily, cohort studies can get classified according to their temporal sequence and include either historical or prospective. HSC3103-epidemiology of study design helps researchers to adhere to study design principles to determine a source population.

the study design principles and cohort studies


Data in cross-sectional studies gets collected on the whole study population to examine the relationship exposures and health-related outcomes. Importantly, cross-sectional studies highlight the frequency of disease and health-related traits in a population at a single time. Thus, the method can get used to accessing a disease’s burden on a population and help in allocating health resources. Mainly, there are two types of cross-sectional studies, and they include descriptive and analytical studies. A descriptive cross-sectional study assesses the frequency and distribution of a disease in a population. Therefore, understanding HSC3103-epidemiology of study design and study design principles is important in drawing valid conclusions for medical research.

cross-sectional studies and HSC3103-epidemiology of study design

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