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Project quality management encompasses the processes and activities used to figure out and achieve the quality of the deliverables of a project. It requires the application of quality management tools. Quality is simply what the customer or stakeholder needs from the project management deliverables. By keeping the definition tied to the customer or stakeholder, quality management can have a narrower focus, which means it’s more likely to achieve its goals. Project managers oversee implementing a project quality management plan so that they can achieve its objectives. This, for instance, enables the managers to take full control of the project undertaken.


Projects are broken down into smaller, more digestible pieces known as project phases. Project phases allow you to take your project and organize it so that you can wrap your mind around it and make progress. In project management there are five phases: initiating, planning, executing, controlling and closing. Therefore, throughout these quality project phases, there is a need to constantly monitor and report, which is where the application of project management tools comes in. Without project management tools, you will be scrambling to gather actionable data, track progress and meet project management deliverables. Implementing quality control means managing both processes and people. Meet with your customers or stakeholder regularly to keep them abreast of the project’s progress. Therefore, helping managers in realizing the significance of project quality management.


The main elements of project management include;  scope, time, cost and quality. Others may include communication, logistics, integration, and governance. Each element may require measuring, reporting and adjusting to ensure the project stays on track. Additionally, the degree of effort that each element requires depends on the type, size and complexity of the project. The Application of project management tools determines the above factors. The integration of the main elements is a must for the success of projects.  Additionally, it should meet the required project management deliverables. Quality management in a project should be maintained during all processes of the project. The significance includes meeting the capacity, strength, and availability of projects.

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