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Whenever politically motivated cyber-attacks and national cybersecurity policy are the points of discussion, the same stories come up again. The stories are cyberwar, cyberespionage, hacktivism, or cyberterrorism. Additionally, the stories all affect the national interest. Unfortunately, it is challenging to identify attackers and their motivations in cyberspace. As a result, nations are classifying all serious cyberattacks as cyberwar. The classification by the nations perturbs national policy and fuels a cyberwar arms race. The result is more instability and less security for everyone. Despite this, knowing the attacker is vitally important. In conclusion, there is a need for a crucial discussion on politically motivated cyberattacks and national cybersecurity policy.

politically motivated cyberattacks and national cybersecurity policy


Apart from politically motivated cyber-attacks and national cybersecurity policy, there is also the issue of international cyberattacks. An international cyber-attack, for example, struck parts of Europe, Asia, and the United States on Tuesday. The attack crippled tens of thousands of computers at banks, hospitals, and government offices worldwide. Initial analysis found that for the attack, the motivations in cyberspace were profits. The hackers demanded $300 in Bitcoin in exchange for unlocking victims’ screens. Further evidence, however, now suggests that the malware was a wiper designed to destroy data on targets’ storage systems. The malware originated in Ukraine on the eve of the country’s Constitution Day. The malware, as among politically motivated cyber-attacks, leads one computer scientist to speculate its aim was generating money.

politically motivated cyber-attacks and other international cyberattacks


To understand politically motivated cyber-attacks and national cybersecurity policy, one needs to understand the definition of a cyberattack. The term cyberattack can refer to many different scenarios. Essentially it is an attempt to compromise a computer system, network, or device intending to cause harm. These attacks can be against governments, businesses, or individuals. Politically motivated cyber-attacks may occur for propaganda reasons, to harm the image of a particular state or government. A cyberattack can cripple a computer system, meaning a business loses money because its website is inaccessible. A cyberattack can also stop a government body from offering an essential service. Cyberattacks are not always necessarily large-scale or wide-ranging. In some cases, the motivations in cyberspace can even cause physical damage, such as in Germany in 2015.

cyber attack definition and the different motivations in cyberspace

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