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The philosophical ideas of Lucas and Oswaldo de Andrade are present in their respective publications. Lucas describes the concept of second nature in his book, while Oswaldo describes Brazilian modernism’s ultimate legacy in Abaporu. Antropofagia deals with Brazilian identity construction, through metaphoric cannibalization within a rapidly industrialized economy. Oswaldo refers to the antropofagia art movement as a phenomenon instead of a campaign. The similarity is in Lucas’s second nature description as laws whose regularity only compares to that of physical nature. The Revista de Antropofagia was an attempt to popularize Antropofagia among the general masses. It was, however, not certain that the tone of the Revista was the same as that of the Manifesto. The philosophical ideas of Oswaldo de Andrade and Lucas, therefore, interrelate.

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The philosophical ideas of Lucas and Oswaldo de Andrade is also present in Tarsila do Amaral. In Brazil, the painter Tarsila do Amaral is so beloved and well known. She is considered the first artist to have developed distinctly Brazilian art in the 20th century. Brazil then, suffered from historical amnesia, often overlooking its indigenous communities and refusing to confront the legacy of slavery. Tarsila’s contribution to the antropofagia art movement is evident in the Abaporu artwork. Abaporu in the indigenous dialect of Tupí Guaraní means a man who eats people. The painting was the catalyst for cannibalism, which was Brazilian modernism’s ultimate legacy. Shocked and moved by the images of Tarsila’s five-year work, Oswaldo de Andrade wrote the Manifesto of Anthropophagy.

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The philosophical ideas of Lucas and Oswaldo de Andrade all circles on Luca’s second nature metaphor. Nature, because the all-embracing power of convention subjects the social world to laws whose regularity compares to nature. The concept explains nature as the embodiment of recognized but meaningless necessities. The nature concept’s interpretation in the antropofagia art movement explains how cannibalism was Brazilian second nature. The second nature by Lucas consists of human-made structures made by man for man. The Brazilian modernists digested cannibalism, transformed it, and then made it their own. The Manifesto of Anthropophagy work publication by Oswaldo de Andrade compared Brazilian modernists to cannibals.

For more information on the philosophical ideas of Lucas in the theory of the novel, click

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