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This paper looks into personal weight training and effective strength training; weight training is a type of strength training that involves the use of weights to improve general fitness and health. However, strength training uses weights to build muscle mass and grow stronger. Strength training usually requires professional assistance as improperly done exercises cause injury. Moreover, people should consult a doctor to know their ability to perform the exercises. Both weight training and strength training promote the health and fitness of the body. Nevertheless, weight training is recommended for athletes as it has similarities to strength training but does not necessarily involve the gaining of mass.
personal weight training and effective strength training


In essence, personal weight training keeps bones healthy and strong. Additionally, it also staves off diseases such as Type 2 diabetes and maintains the heart and brain in good condition. Not only does personal weight training boost metabolism but also fat loss. This promotes the fitness of the body and therefore increases the confidence of an individual. Besides, it regulates the amount of insulin in the body and reduces inflammation. Also, it improves the strength and endurance of the body with regular physical activities. Similarly, effective strength training also improves strength and endurance. It also strengthens the legs and improves balance in old age.
 benefits of personal weight training


Primarily, effective strength training helps in maintaining muscle tissue. This ensures minimal muscle loss and fitness of the body even in old age. Moreover, regular strength training also increases the strength of a person. This allows a person to lift heavier objects and reduce muscle strain. Also, effective strength training strengthens the ligaments, tendons, and bones. This helps to reduce the bone fracture and the risk of developing osteoporosis. It also reduces the risk of injury and body pains. Effective strength training and personal weight training are both productive in controlling body fat. They increase metabolism and burn calories in the body.
importance of effective strength training

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