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Organizational goal setting is a process that helps an organization in the evaluation of employee performance. Moreover, it helps in assessing organizational progress and clarifying the direction. Organizational goals are strategic objectives that the management of a company establishes to outline the outcomes it expects and to guide the efforts of employees. Additionally, useful goals should be achievable and challenging. The organization should develop a strategic plan for choosing and meeting these goals. Furthermore, if the goals are unrealistic, the company needs to take a step back and set new goals that will guide the plans and processes in a more relevant direction.

Read more on organizational goal setting and evaluation of employee performance at;


Organizational goal setting helps in defining the purpose of an organization. Setting realistic and clear goals provide the organization with a chance to achieve success and realize its vision. Moreover, the management of a company needs to set specific goals to help in the measurement of progress and determination of tasks that require improvement. Additionally, goal setting assists an organization to increases efficiency, profitability, and productivity. It helps companies in the evaluation of employee performance by measuring individual performance against individual goals.

Read more on the importance of organizational goal setting at;


The management of a company may evaluate the performance of employees by measuring the level of execution. Resultantly, this helps the employees to prioritize their activities according to the requirements of the management. Additionally, an organization can measure the quality of work in the evaluation of employee performance. Employees with a higher quality of work are more productive. Moreover, organizational goals setting helps in setting a direction for employees to work towards. Therefore, the management can measure the progress in the achievement of these goals to determine the performance of individual employees.

Read more on the ways to carry out evaluation of employee performance at;

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