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Obesity in childhood is a consequence of failure to ensure the maintenance of good health. Additionally, it is a serious medical condition that affects children and adolescents. Moreover, these children are above the normal weight for their age and height. Childhood obesity causes other health problems and may also lead to poor self-esteem and depression. Furthermore, one of the best ways to reduce childhood obesity is by improving eating habits and exercising. Also, preventing and treating childhood obesity helps to protect the health of a child in the present and in the future. This is because poor health due to childhood obesity can continue into adulthood.

Read more on obesity in childhood and maintenance of good health at;


Primarily, obesity in childhood causes several health risks. It increases the risk of developing diabetes type 2 that leads to eye disease, kidney dysfunction, and nerve damage. However, this condition is reversible through improving eating habits and maintenance of good health. Also, it leads to high cholesterol and high blood pressure which raises the risk of getting heart disease in children. Additionally, obesity is a common comorbidity with asthma. Therefore, it may be a risk factor for severe asthma. It may also cause sleeping disorders such as excessive snoring and sleep apnea.

Read more on health problems that result from obesity in childhood at;


Primarily, eating healthy is the main way of maintenance of good health. Improving eating habits by making healthier food choices helps to treat some conditions. Also, it helps to reduce the risk of obesity in childhood and adulthood. Moreover, doing regular exercise helps to prevent conditions such as stroke, diabetes, colon cancer, and heart disease. Additionally, it is important to limit the amount of alcohol that someone drinks. This is because too much alcohol causes damage to the liver.

Read more on the ways to ensure the maintenance of good health at;

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