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NURS6512 diagnostic reasoning is a major tool in advanced health assessment. Diagnostic reasoning goes hand in hand with decision-making in the health care system. It majorly refers to the health care person applies reasoning with other clinical knowledge. Therefore this is a constant process thus it has no end even when the diagnosis is complete. Advanced health care assessment on the other hand refers to the knowledge of advanced processes of collecting and interpreting I formation regarding a patient’s health status. This process, therefore, provides the basis for differential diagnosis and treatment plans to ensure adequate and quality health care service provision.

Read more on NURS6512 diagnostic reasoning and advanced health assessment at;


Advanced health assessment entails the following components. It involves information collection, like the patient’s medical history thus helps in the arrangement and undertaking of medical examinations. Also, it entails conducting adequate investigations towards the patient’s condition thus coming up with the best treatment methods. Additionally it contains the recommendation of appropriate interventions that is after conducting NURS65132 diagnostic reasoning thus coming up with the best decisions. Another component is the provision of advice and information to the patient thus making them well aware of their condition as well as the treatment methods. Record keeping is another important component since it provides the patient with a copy of their assessment report and recommendations.

Read more on the components of the advanced health assessment at;


Medical practitioners can use various methods to improve NURS6512 diagnostic reasoning. This includes individual continuous improvement whereby the person constantly works on their judgment through seeking feedback since it serves as a patient safety mission. A person can also engage in deliberate practice by taking part in additional training and effort thus achieving an individual’s maximum potential. This helps the person to have the skills to use the various advanced health assessment tools. Additionally, a health worker can engage in metacognition by understanding the cognitive errors and learning from one’s practice. Lastly, improving the entire health care system helps to improve diagnosis. This includes financial, safety, and legal errors.

Read more on the ways to improve NURS6512 diagnostic reasoning at;

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