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This report addresses the subjects of mental health needs and the psychology of aging. Older adults are vulnerable to mental health disorders. It includes depression and anxiety and significantly affects physical health and ability to function. During the aging process, physical strength decreases as the skeletal structure weakens. This causes the development of problems in coping with physical health problems. Some have to take care of spouses or other relatives with mental health needs or manage family disputes. Governments should aim at increasing access to mental health services for older adults in various settings. It helps reduce the number of primary care visits and the costs of medical procedures.
mental health needs and the psychology of aging


The relation between mental and behavioral health problems and the aging process is still unclear. About two-thirds of older adults with a mental disorder do not receive the required services. As the older population increases, the demand for these services will increase. Also, more researchers are looking into the psychology of aging, aiming to find the best mental services for adults. Through psychological research, it will become easier to address issues like mental disorders, dementia, and chronic pain. Some of the reasons older adults fail to access mental health services include financial constraints and poor diagnosis. Lastly, older adults with mental health needs also face the challenge of accessing specialized services.
mental health needs for older adults


The aging process exposes older adults to multiple risk factors for mental health problems. Most of them may experience reduced mobility, chronic pain, frailty, and other health problems. This, coupled with other stressors like loneliness, increases their likelihood of having mental health needs. Mental health also has an impact on physical fitness and vice versa. Additionally, physical health problems increase the chances of depression, and untreated depression can affect the outcome of physical health problems. Studies on the psychology of aging provide useful insight into other issues like elder abuse. Thus, abuse results in physical injuries and long-term psychological consequences like depression.
risk factors for older adults with mental health needs

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