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This research paper analyses MBA621Pillars of clinical governance and ensuring medication safety. Clinical governance provides a framework for the continuous improvement of health facilities and accountability development. Additionally, it improves the standards of healthcare by creating a conducive environment for administering healthcare. MBA621 pillars of clinical governance include the following. One, clinical research and effectiveness that ensures evidence is always available for solving clinical issues. Secondly, the audit evaluates the healthcare process to achieve quality standards. Also, risk management evaluation is essential for identifying and mitigating risks. Preventing healthcare-associated infections is essential for new infections on patients while receiving treatment.

Read more on MBA621Pillars of clinical governance and ensuring medication safety at


Medication errors in healthcare are very expensive errors hence require critical decision making. Moreover, it requires proper clinical judgment and full comprehension of the medications. Accurate and safe administration of medication is crucial for the wellbeing of patients. Although it is a very challenging nursing responsibility.  The following are some of the methods of ensuring medication safety in healthcare. Firstly, adequately planning of medical administration in advance. Secondly, the preparation of medications for one patient at a time is essential for the avoidance of mix ups. Furthermore, nurses need to check the expiration dates of medicines regularly. While ensuring medication safety, adherence of practitioners to MBA621 pillars of clinical governance is essential.

Read more on the methods of ensuring medication safety at


Healthcare infections are continuously rising in healthcare settings. These infections arise from admission to an acute care hospital. Moreover, people get infections while receiving home-care, long-term care, and ambulatory care. The infection results in escalated patient illness and death. Moreover, they prolong hospital stays and lead to additional costs. The following are ways of preventing healthcare-associated infections. The administration of proper protective equipment in preventing the spread of airborne diseases. Secondly, ensuring maximum hygiene of areas where administration of healthcare occurs. Additionally, wearing masks to prevent the spread of infection through respiratory droplets. Also, creating patient awareness on protecting themselves from new infection is essential.

Read more on ways of preventing healthcare-associated infections at

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