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Effects of bullying and its relationship to suicide is a serious case study in the world today. The effects of bullying are significantly making impacts on several individuals worldwide, especially students. Bullying is an unwanted, aggressive behavior among school-aged children that involves a power imbalance. Therefore, some death cases are linking to bullying in schools, including cyberbullying. Regrettably, these cases are becoming more common. Consequently, bullying’s relation to suicide is tragic. Moreover, it has severe and lasting adverse effects on the individual’s mental health and overall well-being. Additionally, the damaging effects of bullying include depression, anxiety, violence, substance abuse, and less connectedness. Therefore, it is essential to involve measures of controlling bullying.

Read more about effects of bullying and its relation to suicide at


Bullying can affect everyone, those who undergo the bullying, the bullies, and the bullying witnesses. Effects of bullying are numerous, including impacts on human health, substance use, and suicide. Furthermore, kids who undergo bullying can experience negative physical, social, emotional, academic, and mental issues. Most importantly, depression, anxiety, sadness, and loneliness are adverse effects of bullying. Moreover, changes in sleep and eating patterns and loss of interest in activities are also resultant effects. Therefore, the results may persist into adulthood and narrow the relation to suicide. However, just like any other problem, bullying requires controlling and periodically stopping it. Schools need to employ essential measures of controlling bullying.

Read more about effects of bullying of students in schools at


As a result of numerous suicidal cases arising from the effects of bullying in schools, there is a need to prevent bullying. Bullying occurs everywhere, even in the highest-performing schools. Therefore, there are approaches to controlling bullying. Several policies and rules help reduce cases of bullying. However, not all methods are equally effective. Most bullying programs focus on creating awareness and administering consequences. These policies do not focus on the already inflicting effects of individuals undergoing bullying. Therefore, its relation to suicide is still intact as the effects become permanent and lower one’s self-esteem and confidence. Moreover, programs that rely on punishment and zero tolerance are ineffective in providing comfort. Therefore, schools still need to incorporate a more useful measures of controlling bullying and its relation to suicide.

Read more about quality measures of controlling bullying in schools at

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