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When managing a team, a leader should work towards maintaining good communication within the team. Team management is the ability to organize or manage a group of people to execute tasks and meet common goals and objectives. Additionally, it involves a team, a manager, communication, and objective setting. Moreover, effectively managing a team leads to more motivation and productivity. Contrarily, good communication entails the exchange of information and ideas effectively and efficiently. It involves relaying information in a way that ensures the recipient understands. Furthermore, communication at work includes several different methods of transmitting and receiving information.

Read more on managing a team and maintaining good communication at;


Primarily, building positive working relationships helps in managing a team. It enables members to know each other individually and on a more personal level. Resultantly, this builds a better rapport among the team. Additionally, maintaining good communication is essential. A team leader should communicate deadlines, goals, and objectives that the team members should meet.  Moreover, it is important to recognize good work by acknowledging the efforts of team members. Consequently, this motivates team members and encourages creativity. A good leader should also be assertive in authority and make important decisions for the team.

Read more on the tips for effectively managing a team at;


Fundamentally, maintaining good communication helps to reduce conflict or tension at work. This is because most conflicts arise from ineffective communication tactics. Furthermore, good communication increases the engagement of employees. Keeping open channels of communication between team members is essential when managing a team as it enhances the engagement of team members. Moreover, good communication helps team members to understand their common goals and objectives and their impact on achieving them. It also improves productivity and efficiency as team members understand their duties and the expectations in the position. Therefore, it is important to ensure that essential information is readily available to team members.

Read more on the advantages of maintaining good communication at;

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