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This research paper analyses Loeber’s multiple pathways and media influence on crime. Juvenile delinquency is the execution of criminal acts by young people, especially minors. Loeber multiple pathway model by Rolf Loeber tries explaining the causes, onset and continuation of juvenile delinquency. He discovers many causing factors such as social, cognitive, personal and socialization factors. According to this model, there are three distinct pathways of development towards juvenile delinquency. They follow each other progressively as follows. One is those representing overt acts that is, stubborn behaviours. Secondly, those expressing defiance towards authority. Lastly, those representing aggression towards others. Therefore, this leads to a broader discussion of the right to privacy and its importance.


Loeber’s multiple pathway model agrees that the environment around them influences violent behaviours in minors. Moreover, the hypodermic syringe model of media influence suggests that media received by an individual directly and passively affects them. It tries to explain the influence of media on violent activities by children. Children watching films of violence are likely to engage in violent playing behaviours. The media influence on crime is as follows. By children playing violent video games, the games influence their actions. As a result, their committing crimes is more natural. How to use information from violent films is a choice that needs clear clarification among children. The right to privacy and its importance is a controversial topic among various individuals.


This section examines the right to privacy and its importance. This topic is controversial because some argue that allowing privacy in children prevents adequate monitoring. As a result, they engage in vices without their parents or guardian’s knowledge. Privacy enables an individual to choose how they interact with people. This involves hiding various information from others.  It is one of the fundamental human rights. Its revocation is in a situation such as posing a danger to national security. The media influence on crime is a great worry to those in the custody of crime. With advancing technology, almost all technological gadgets have passwords. This is an initiative of enhancing privacy but a danger to minors. As a result, their vulnerability to juvenile delinquency rises.
understanding the right to privacy and its importance

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