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This paper examines labor relations elements and the relevance of labor relations. Labor relation refers to the coexistence between employers, employees, and unions for the organization’s decision-making process. The elements of labor relations include the following. One is employment, whereby the legal framework forecasts labor needs. Moreover, it caters to equal distribution of employment, recruitment, and training. The second element is individual employment relations, which involves aspects of promotion and transfer. Additionally, it caters to compensation in case of dismissal. Wages and salaries are other elements that ensure fair remuneration and adherence to existing legal frameworks. There exist various problems facing industrial relations organizations today.

Read more on labor relation elements and relevance of labor relations at


Labor relations can improve organizations or cause problems for organizations. This all depends on their application and use in the firm. Analysis of the labor relation elements is essential for maintaining good relations. Moreover, managers setting good examples is equally crucial for effective labor relations. A good understanding between the employer and employees usually yields desirable results. The relevance of labor relations in organizations includes the following. One, it promotes development and growth through the harmonious relationship between employers and employees. Secondly, it reduces the rate of employee turnover, therefore increasing production. Additionally, it enhances motivation among employees from the rewards they receive, acknowledging their commitment.

Read more on the relevance of labor relations at


Although there exist several relevances of labor relations, there are problems that affect these relations. These challenges arise from the difference between policymakers and those purposed for the implementation process. Recognizing these challenges is key in maintaining a peaceful and healthy relationship between staff members. The problems facing industrial relations include the following. One, the lack of privacy by monitoring calls, emails, and internet use. As a result, this creates mistrust among employees. Secondly, gender wage disparity may arise conflicts among different genders in the organization. The mentality that management is superior to other employees leads to disagreement. This is because the subordinates feel they are inferior, and consideration of their views is not constant.

Read more on the problems facing industrial relations at

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