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The paper discusses integrity in law enforcement and the importance of ethical behaviors by police officers in society. Several measures are essential in enhancing integrity in the police force. First, there are legal methods for behavioral integrity that provide corrupt behavior for behavior considered unethical. Moreover, naming and shaming are an important additional method in creating an understanding that corruption is unacceptable. Secondly, we have administrative measures that help in building integrity within the police force. Mainly, the measures are efficient when applied at the recruitment phase and personnel rotation. The paper, therefore, helps in highlighting integrity in law enforcement and the importance of ethical behaviors in police agencies.

 integrity in law enforcement and importance of ethical behaviors


Rethinking the importance of ethical behaviors is crucial to preserving the efforts of ensuring the law enforcement agencies remain ethical. Primarily, law enforcement agencies strive and train officers that exhibit strong moral values before entering police academies. However, their best efforts are undone by instances of police misconduct that undermine public trust. Moreover, such instances jeopardize police investigations and expose law enforcement agencies to liabilities. Formal ethics education is the main response adopted by police agencies to deal with such instances. Police officers have to understand what the right thing is and do it to ensure effective law enforcement. Understanding integrity in law enforcement and the importance of police agencies’ ethical behaviors is crucial for police officers.

rethinking ethics in law enforcement and the importance of ethical behaviors


Law enforcement agencies understand the importance of ethical behaviors to the effectiveness of their works. Importantly, ethics and character help law enforcement agencies to maintain the standard of ethics set for them. Moreover, ethics allows for officers to hold higher standard compared to the public. Law enforcement members need to maintain the set high standards in their personal lives as well. Notably, technology has helped improve ethics as many people have mobile phones to record police impropriety. There are numerous lawsuits involving law enforcement officers as a result. Integrity in law enforcement and the importance of ethical behaviors in law enforcement agencies is a technological matter.

the importance of ethical behaviors and law enforcement ethics

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