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For this assignment, INTB30660 GLOBAL BUSINESS TRENDS, we will discuss the various global business trends and challenges facing international business. As time progresses, businesses become more complex with more interconnectivity and increased speed of operations. One of the long-existing global business trends is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) that aids in examining corporate actions. This ensures mutual long-term well-being and sustainability. Additionally, most international business strategies incorporate CSR to enhance their chances of success in global markets. However, rapidly-changing market conditions turn into the challenges facing the international business. Lastly, international organizations must address issues of ethical business practices and the shortcomings of our existing multilateral governance systems.
INTB30660 global business trends and challenges facing international business


There are numerous advantages to developing international business strategies to cope with global business trends. Many scholars recommend the implementation of evolutionary business strategies that are flexible enough to accommodate rapid changes in the business environment. Most international businesses develop by setting up additional divisions in foreign countries. The challenges facing international businesses have more effect on new market entrants because they are usually costly and face intense competition. Formulating strategies beforehand helps to deal with the pressures of entering a new market environment. Lastly, sometimes, even with emerging global business trends, uniformity in consumer choices promote standardization, and international companies develop global standardization strategies.
strategic choices to cope with global business trends


Some of the challenges facing international business include strict regulations, procedural difficulties, political instability, and different business cultures in international markets. Some government policies make it almost impossible to conduct business operations. Therefore, this may require adjustments to predetermined international business strategies. Regulatory restrictions may come in the form of tariff and non-tariff barriers, quota restrictions, foreign exchange restrictions, technological and administrative regulations, and other consulter formalities. Coping with global business trends becomes a good opportunity for well-established international entities as they gain a more competitive edge, while the same poses a challenge for smaller firms. However, they find good opportunities by joining Economic Unions, which help them to negotiate business terms with other countries.

 opportunities and challenges facing international business

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