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Ethical decision making and moral permissibility of punishment are issues that a professional may face in their line of duty. Ethical dilemmas usually arise from several circumstances and may range from being easy to confusing. Kidder’s ethical checkpoints are essential in navigating tricky ethical issues. Notably, Rushworth Kidder recognized four types of moral dilemmas. They include short-term versus long-term, individual versus community, truth versus loyalty, and justice versus mercy. Additionally, there is a triple bottom line, which is the ultimate source of the ethical dilemma. Importantly, Ethical decision-making issues such as the moral permissibility of punishment contribute to the confusing ethical dilemma that requires the use of ethical checkpoints.

ethical decision making and moral permissibility of punishment


The moral permissibility of punishment provides a unique moral challenge. This is because there is the involvement of the state in intentionally inflicting harsh treatment to some of its citizens. Thus, this treatment is considerably morally impermissible. Notably, the moral challenge of punishments is establishing if anything makes it permissible to convicts. Kidder’s ethical checkpoints thus become essential for people involved in such case scenarios. Mainly, justifications of punishment include consequentialist or retributivist. However, there are criticisms of the two accounts due to moral grey areas.  Lastly, ethical decision making in the moral permissibility of punishment is vital in ensuring that convicts receive fair treatment.

 moral permissibility of punishment and moral dilemma


Ethical decision-making requires the use of Kidder’s ethical checkpoints in the circumstances involving a confusing moral dilemma. Notably, ethicist Rushworth Kidder acknowledges that ethical issues can be “disorderly and sometimes downright confusing. However, Kidder argues that there is an underlying structure of the ethical decision-making process. There are nine checkpoints that Kidder provides that help creates helpful solutions leading to ethical decision making. First is recognizing the existence of a moral issue by determining if there are ethical considerations in a situation. Ethical checkpoints can help in ethical decision making for situations such as establishing the moral permissibility of punishment.

Kidder’s ethical checkpoints and ethical decision making

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