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This essay discusses the importance of cultural differences when managing multinational corporations (MNCs). One of the most crucial elements in business is effective communication. With cultural diversity comes complexity in managing communication. This is why MNCs must recognize and address the importance of culture in business. In many international companies, English is the de facto language of business. People should convey messages so that others can understand them clearly. Since people come from different backgrounds, the impact of cultural diversity in MNCs is even higher. Understanding the importance of subtle non-verbal communication between cultures is equally crucial in international business.
Read more of the importance of cultural differences for multinational corporations (MNCs) at


The impact of cultural diversity in international business goes beyond corporate strategy. Ethnocentrism can be a huge challenge to overcome for any corporation doing business overseas. In different parts of the world, societies have differing expectations, social norms, and cultures. When managing multinational corporations (MNCs), organizations must be considerate of the local ways of life so as to conduct business in a way that does not violate social expectations. Failing to understand these social and cultural cues can sink even the most robust MNC initiative. For multinational companies, valuing the importance of culture in business is crucial for the survival of the business. People working in such organizations should also understand the local business climate, culture, and customs.
Read more of the cultural sensitivities in managing MNCs at


This section provides details concerning the importance of culture in business. The influence of the different cultures in the global business world is essential for building successful International Relations. Also, new global business perspectives shape various aspects, including managing multinational corporations (MNCs). Companies have the challenge of presenting and expanding into new horizons. Therefore, organizations must develop business plans that incorporate and appreciate cultural diversity. This means they have to understand all new markets that they plan to expand in. Also, such organizations can use the impact of cultural diversity to shape marketing and other strategies of international business. Understanding foreign cultures is a long-term process of assimilation, comprehension, and integration.
Read more of the importance of culture in international business at 

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