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This essay discusses the types of artificial intelligence and the impact of AI on organizational behavior. Artificial intelligence refers to the simulation of human intelligence processes by computer systems.AI was founded by John McCarthy, an American computer scientist, in 1956. The actions of AI include self-correction, reasoning, and learning. AI is the bridge between human intelligenceand machine learning. The main types of AI are according to how well it can replicate human-like activities. Thus, AI is classified based
on the functionality and capabilities of AI vis-à-vis Human Intelligence. The impact of AI on organizational behavior is becoming highly essential in motivating employees and promoting employee engagement by introducing them to several levers of success like effectiveness in decision making and learning, collaboration, experimentation, and information sharing. The latter is made possible by AI technologies like robotics and machine learning.

Read more on the impact of the types of AI on organizational behavior at


The types of AI-based capabilities are narrow AI, an AI system designed for a specific task. Secondly, Strong AI is a system with generalized human cognitive abilities. Thirdly, Artificial Super Intelligence is the stage of AI when the capability of computers will surpass human beings. As such, the impact of AI on organizational behavior is dependent on the type of AI applied. Also, based on functionality, reactive machines use past experiences to determine future actions. Limited Memory uses past experiences to inform future decisions
while The Theory of mind entails imitating the human brain. Lastly, Self-awareness AI systems have a sense of self. Thus, they can understand both mundane and their own emotions. However, the latter two types of AI do not yet exist. The AI technologies are primary for the efficient functioning and application of AI.

Read more on the types of AI and AI technologies at 


The impact of AI on organizational behavior is due to the increasing spread of AI throughout various industries. Some of them include education, healthcare, banking, finance, etc. As a result, the growth mindset has gained significant prominence in the Artificial Intelligence workplace. It enables companies to maximize the benefits derived from AI applications. The goal of AI is to empower employees with cognitive capabilities for the development of perceptual skills. Also, AI technologies enable the automation of several tasks and help individuals respond to continuous changes with agility and speed. Lastly, companies are
applying AI in the adoption of behavior and culture by combining the scale and insights of AI with behavioral economics. In conclusion, understanding the different types of AI is relevant for organizations to leverage the advantages of integrating AL technologies in their business operations.

Read more on the impact of AI on organization behavior and AI application

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