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This essay discusses the forms of cyberbullying and the prevention of cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is the act of sending or posting damaging or cruel text or images using the Internet or other digital communication device. There are various forms of cyberbullying. They include exclusion, cyberstalking, outing, denigration, trickery, and tolling. A cyberbully may be someone the victim knows or a stranger. Their motives may be to humiliate the victim, ruin their reputation, or to gather information for use in other crimes, like identity theft. Though there are no specific anti-cyberbullying laws altogether, having laws against cyberbullying is essential for raising awareness and prosecuting crimes appropriately. In effect, cyberbullying is increasingly becoming a primary problem due to the rise in technological advancements. Thus, it is paramount that everyone takes the necessary steps in the prevention of cyberbullying.

Read more on the forms of cyberbullying and prevention of cyberbullying at


The various forms of cyberbullying include exclusion, the deliberate act of leaving someone out. Secondly, harassment involves deliberately sending abusive and threatening messages. Thirdly, outing is purposely publicly humiliating someone through the online posting of sensitive information without their consent. Fourthly, framing is impersonating someone’s social network and posting inappropriate content. Fifthly, tolling is the act of provoking a response through the use of insults on online forums. Also, denigration involves sending or posting rumors about a person to damage their reputation or friendships. Lastly, trickery involves deceiving someone into revealing sensitive information and forwarding that information to others. As a result, the prevention of cyberbullying is essential as the latter can lead to depression, suicidal thoughts, emotional distress, and lower self-esteem. Fortunately, most states in the US have added anti-cyberbullying laws to their existing anti-bullying law.


Cyberbullying is a global issue. Thus, it’s everyone’s responsibility to learn to spot the warning signs of cyberbullying and proactively take steps in the prevention of cyberbullying. Several approaches against cyberbullying include regularly updating one’s software to prevent any information leaks. Secondly, hiding the IP address and using a gender-neutral email address if necessary. Thirdly, using an anonymous browser to browse the web as the latter offer varying degrees of security against various forms of cyberbullying. Fourthly, adjusting privacy settings, avoiding disclosing sensitive information, and using end to end encryption. Lastly, seeking help and discussing safety and privacy settings with one’s Internet Service Provider. In conclusion, cyberbullying is an increasing problem with the rise of technology applications. There are no federal laws that specifically address bullying. Providentially, anti-cyberbullying laws are increasingly gaining concern in matters of law and crime.

Read more on prevention of cyberbullying and anti-cyberbullying laws at

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