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This research paper discusses the impact and challenges of ethical and sustainable globalization. With globalization, more countries are becoming more interconnected through technology, media, and transportation. The financial market system makes it easier to exchange currencies to trade, invest and offer goods, services, and ideas to people cross traditional borders and boundaries. The impact of globalization is improved economic growth to enhance people’s quality of life. However, there are challenges related to globalization, posing problems of workers’ welfare, and economies. The challenges of globalization also include environmental degradation. Many international organizations favor the concept of globalization due to the potential for high availability and access to products, medicine, services, technologies, and knowledge.
impact and challenges of ethical and sustainable globalization


From an ethical perspective, there are several challenges of globalization. Different countries hold different values and ethics regarding social justice, equity, and environmental preservation. Operationalizing ethics thus becomes difficult at the global level. Ethical and sustainable globalization is possible through international agreements and soft law documents such as the Universal Declaration on Human Rights and the Earth Charter. It might take longer for each country to implement and adapt globally accepted ethics and values. The impact of globalization on individuals should help solve emerging threats and injustices. The international community also needs a global framework capable of articulating global environmental and social rights and responsibilities.
ethical challenges in promoting sustainable development


The social impact of globalization relates to the life and work of people, their families, and societies. People from all over the globe raise their concerns about the impact of globalization on employment, income, social protection, and working conditions. Other social aspects of globalization include culture and identity, security, inclusion and exclusion, and community cohesiveness. Addressing these issues can significantly promote ethical and sustainable globalization. While globalization brings new opportunities for development and wealth creation, people’s opinions differ on how to go about it. Lastly, the social challenges of globalization entail the different perceptions of people towards changes. This causes a lot of political and economic tensions across various regions.
 social and economic impacts of globalization

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