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The HRM20020 performance management strategies and competitive business strategies look at business performance in various companies. Performance management is the process of continuous feedback and communication between managers and their employees. Mainly this is to ensure the achievement of the strategic objectives of the organization. The article also looks at the development of performance management systems and how they contribute to a successful business. Significantly, defining and communicating company goals and performance objectives is a crucial performance management strategy. Importantly, employees can only meet performance expectations when they are clearly outlined. Performance management strategies and competitive business strategies allow companies to achieve their goals effectively.

HRM20020  performance management strategies


Business competitive strategies enable companies to achieve a competitive advantage in the marketplace. The basis of the choice of strategy is the strengths and weaknesses of a company’s products. Moreover, the position a company wants to have in the minds of its customers can also be a basis. Importantly, the best strategy for a business needs to leverage its strengths for the highest profits. An example of a business strategy is cost leadership strategy. Mainly, a company produces its products at lower costs in a market. Finally, s company can become successful by employing effective performance management strategies and competitive business strategies.

business competitive strategies and cost leadership strategy


The development of performance management systems is essential for any business looking to achieve its goals. Performance management involves more than merely conducting an annual employee review. Mainly, it’s about working together with employees to identify their strengths and weakness in their performance. Moreover, performance management helps employees to be more productive and effective. Therefore, developing strategies begin by evaluating the current performance appraisal process. Importantly, a company should look at the type of feedback provided to employees. Next, companies need to identify organizational goals. Lastly, the performance management strategies and competitive business strategies allow for businesses to perform exemplary well in any market.

development of performance management systems and its importance

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