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Hamlet’s film adaptation highlights the tragedy of Hamlet. Franco Zeffirelli’s version of Hamlet starring Mel Gibson is trendy, but there is continued ignoring by film critics. The version of the play is popular with students, and they enjoy it due to Gibson’s energetic performance. Therefore, the film adaptation highlights the themes in Hamlet uniquely. Zeffirelli, like Kozintsev, creates a scene that occurs before the opening of the play. Kozintsev shows us Hamlet arriving home upon hearing the news of his father’s death. In the opening, Zeffirelli films the castle in blue-black while the opening credits flash across the screen. Hamlet’s film adaptation brilliantly presents the tragedy of Hamlet to the current generation.   For more information on Hamlet’s film adaptation, click 


The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, usually shortened to just Hamlet, was written by William Shakespeare. It is arguably one of his most famous tragedies. Its appeal has not lessened over time, and there is continuous showcasing of the themes in Hamlet. The play is set in Denmark and follows the prince Hamlet, who seeks revenge upon his uncle Claudius. Hamlet’s sentries and his friend Horatio encounter the ghost of King Hamlet. They then vow to tell his son what they have witnessed. Lastly, Hamlet’s film adaptation on the tragedy of Hamlet helps students to understand the works of Shakespeare well.   For more information on the tragedy of Hamlet and Characters in Hamlet, click 


There are several themes in Hamlet which serve to impart specific values to the society. Hamlet falls into the genre of the ‘revenge tragedy,’ which was very popular in the Jacobean era. Revenge is the most obvious and one of the main themes of the play. The tragedy of Hamlet revolves around revenge against his uncle. Other themes are the question of what a human being is; death and mortality and suicide. Hamlet, the son of the recently murdered King, is the heir to the throne. Hamlet’s father’s ghost tells him on the battlements that Claudius killed him. Finally,  Hamlet’s film adaptation ensures themes in the tragedy of Hamlet remain as they were in the original play.   For more information on the themes in Hamlet and traits of various characters, click 

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