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This dissertation examines gender-based violence forms and prevention measures of gender-based violence, ; Gender-Based Violence (GBV) is a violation of human rights. It is the inflicting of conflict to a particular group due to the pre-existing stereotypes of society’s roles. It mostly affects girls and women since they are most vulnerable in the community. The first form is child marriage, that forces marital responsibilities on minors. The causes of gender-based violence are several and require prevention. Another form of GBV is Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). Despite governments and human rights activists’ efforts in eliminating this vice, it still secretly exists in some communities.
 Gender-Based Violence forms and prevention measures


Gender-based violence forms are present globally. The increasing number of cases of GBV during the pandemic is alarming. It is a vice that is harmful and, in extreme situations, life-threatening. Many people die yearly as a result of GBV. Some of the causes of gender-based violence include the following. Firstly, harmful gender norms against the female gender. Justification of GBV is mostly through pre-existing stereotypes. For example, men are providers, while women are caregivers. Undermining of women as superior gender is dominant. Secondly, poverty is another cause of GBV. Some members of the community encourage early marriages as a strategy of raising economic levels through dowry. As a result, the implementation of prevention measures of gender-based violence is necessary for curbing undesirable outcomes.
 causes of gender-based violence in the society


Research reveals that one in three women worldwide experiences the existing gender-based violence forms. Organizations such as the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) plays a significant role in addressing GBV. It partners with NGOs and faith-based organizations in awareness and mitigation of GBV. This is one of the prevention measures of gender-based violence. Secondly, it strengthens prevention measures in society by educating people on human rights. Moreover, it offers services for survivors of violence. An example of these services is offering economic support and counseling. Additionally, comprehension of the causes of gender-based violence and its outcomes motivates people to end the vice.
 understanding the prevention measures of gender-based violence

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