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The different types of financial markets in business promote the liquidity of assets. They are a type of marketplace that provides an avenue for selling and purchasing assets such as stocks, bonds, foreign exchange, and derivatives. Moreover, businesses and investors can venture into financial markets to raise capital to grow their businesses and make more money. Furthermore, financial markets are essential for the smooth operation of capitalist economies through the allocation of resources and creating liquidity for businesses and entrepreneurs. These markets also make it easy for sellers and buyers to trade their financial holdings. Additionally, they create securities products that provide a return for investors and make funds available for borrowers.


Fundamentally, financial markets in business facilitate the mobilization of savings. Furthermore, they put these savings into more productive use. They also help in determining the price of the securities. This is because the frequent interactions between investors help in fixing the prices of securities basing on their supply and demand in the market. Additionally, financial markets promote the liquidity of assets of investors as they can easily sell their securities and convert assets into cash. Creating liquidity for businesses allows them to buy and sell their securities at any time.


Primarily, liquidity of assets translates to the availability of cash on hand for withdrawal. Moreover, liquid assets are highly beneficial for an investment portfolio. Creating liquidity for businesses ensures the availability of money for emergencies. Therefore, the businesses can use these assets for further investments. Additionally, the assets of financial markets in business are less risky in comparison to the assets that are not liquid. Furthermore, a business cannot sell illiquid assets at a time of emergency. Liquidity also provides financial freedom in the form of buying power.

Read more on the advantages of liquidity of assets at;

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