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The article focuses on Feminist activist performances and how theatre affects political changes. Problematically, for feminists, the opposition between mind and body faces a correlation with an opposition between male and female. Besides, the female regarded as enmeshed in her bodily existence in a way that makes attainment of rationality questionable. Such enmeshment incorporeality has a link to colonized bodies and those attributed to the lower classes. Effective activism through theatre helps in championing for feminism. Challenging such assumptions requires feminists to confront corporeality to elucidate and confront constructions of sexed difference. The article helps in understanding the Feminist activist performances and how theatre affects political change.

 feminist activist performances


through this article, one can understand how effective activism through theatre takes place. There is a long history of performance as activism. For example, in the street interventions of Bread and Puppet Theatre and the secret shows of Belarus Free Theatre. Also, the article helps in understanding how theatre affects political change and how activists can use the theatre. When art and activism go hand in hand, they really can change anything. For instance, the high-profile campaign against the Tate and Oil money has undoubtedly had an impact. Finally, the article discusses the Feminist activist performances and how they affect social change.
effective activism through theatre and its effect on social change


Society needs to understand how theatre affects political change. As long as civilization has existed, people have created a theatre. Besides, that theatre has used in expressing opinions and garner public opinion. In the right context, this ultimately makes it a powerful tool for social change. Examples of effective activism through theatre come from all periods of history. Moreover, the theatre continues to evolve, and as we move into a future where performances become more accessible to participate and watch, the way that we use theatre as a tool for change must evolve too. The article looks at Feminist activist performances through theatre and how they help in advocating for social change.
theatre affects political change and its importance

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