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Female labor laws and workplace sexual harassment are rising topics in research today. There are female labor laws that cater to the safety of the female gender in the workplace. Besides, there is a prohibition of sexual harassment at the workplace by law. Therefore, an employer is supposed to create a policy prohibiting sexual harassment at workplace. However, the law does not propose any punishment. Furthermore, workplace sexual harassment occurs if the employer, representative or co-worker, requests any sexual favors. Additionally, it usually occurs in line with offering preferential treatment at workplace. Besides, the victim may receive threats of detrimental treatment on future of present employment status. Consequently, it is essential to have policies prohibiting sexual harassment in workplaces.

Read more about female labor laws and workplace sexual harassment at 


Recently, women are rising to gather and protest their rights in the workplace. The reality of female labor laws and work-life is a clear double standard. Ensuring that the world of work is free from discrimination and violence is a core for realizing decent work. Besides, the perpetuation of sexual harassment can be against both men and women. However, the majority of the perpetuation of cases of workplace sexual harassment is by men against women. Moreover, this is because women often do not have equal status as men, lack power, and are in more vulnerable positions. Therefore, the policies prohibiting sexual harassment are essentially important for the female gender as they are the most vulnerable. Consequently, they would encourage equality at workplaces and safety for the women.

Read more about importance of female labor laws at


The most effective weapon against sexual harassment is prevention. Besides, sexual harassment does not disappear on its own. Therefore, there must be an implementation of female labor laws in all workplaces. Most importantly, the burden of preventing sexual harassment rests on the employer. In the united states, Canada, and European Union members, employers are responsible for providing harassment-free workplaces. However, most successful preventive strategies prohibiting workplace sexual harassment require the involvement of all and a clear statement of intent.  The statement of intent should reflect a real commitment from all parties. Nevertheless, having an anti-harassment policy does not mean that there will be no harassment complaints. Therefore, every individual should have at heart the policies prohibiting sexual harassment.

Read more about ways of prohibiting workplace sexual harassment at

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