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This article reviews the ethical and philosophical flaws in modern feminism. Firstly, we must understand the concept of philosophical feminism. The idea defends philosophical concepts and theories that presume women’s equality. Philosophical feminism arose during the women’s movement of the 1960s and ’70s. Nowadays, the philosophy is more tribal than serving moral principles. Secondly, we will analyze the flaws of modern feminist ethics in terms of selectivity and how women ‘take control of their bodies.’ There is a need to review the original concepts and topics of the feminist theory since the first wave.
For more information on ethical and philosophical flaws in modern feminism, visit


Modern-day feminists continue to make feminist ethics more complicated. They twist the original meaning where feminism was more principled and had a direction. A good example is the feminist theory of caring. It is politically imprudent to associate women with the value of care. It relieves others of any sense of obligation of care. Making philosophical feminism more complicated only adds to the problems, not solutions. Feminists today state that not only is abortion justified, but that it’s their right to abort their unborn children. However, this goes against feminist ethics in that the unborn women do not have a say in the matter.
Read more of feminist theories and problems with feminist ethics, visit 


Over the past few decades, philosophical feminism became more of an institution than a philosophy. Institutional feminism is more focused on sustaining itself rather than engaging with the rest of the world. It also creates the concept of tribal feminism, which makes the feminist theory even more flawed. Tribal feminism lays out a specific set of beliefs about oppression due to patriarchy and masculinity. Such beliefs limit feminist ethics in that anyone who does not conform to them should exit the ‘institution.’ Kicking people out of the ‘tribe’ because they do not agree with its beliefs is actual oppression.
Read more of the nature and scope of philosophical feminism at 

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