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There are several effects of marijuana as a result of medical marijuana use or abuse. Marijuana is a greenish mixture of dried flowers of Cannabis sativa. It is also one of the most commonly used illegal drugs. Moreover, it is rolled into cigarettes for smoking or used in brewing tea, especially for medical purposes. Additionally, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol is the chemical in marijuana that is responsible for the intoxication effects that people seek. It originates from resins that the leaves and buds of the cannabis plant produce. Contrastingly, many people believe that marijuana has no negative effects. However, it causes many different health problems in the human body.
 effects of marijuana and medical marijuana use


Medical marijuana use helps to treat various conditions. Nevertheless, it may cause withdrawal symptoms such as insomnia and nausea to the human body. Marijuana usage has both short-term effects and long-term effects. The short-term effects include difficulty in thinking, increased heart rate, loss of coordination, and distorted perception. Moreover, it may also cause fear, panic, distrust, and anxiety. One of the effects of marijuana is the reduction of bone density after long-term usage. This increases the risk of bone fractures. Furthermore, marijuana affects the cannabinoid receptors of nerve cells in the brain causing hallucinations and impaired memory.
 negative health effects of marijuana


Primarily, medical marijuana use is common in the treatment of chronic pain, nausea, sleep issues, and muscle spasm. Moreover, it helps in treating anorexia, arthritis, cancer, and glaucoma in the human body. Nonetheless, they cause various side effects to the users. Dizziness and low blood pressure are common effects of marijuana. Cognitive side effects of medical marijuana include impaired judgment, sensory perception reaction time, and sensory perception. Additionally, other side effects include low blood sugar levels, drowsiness, and dry eyes.
 side effects of medical marijuana use

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