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Strategic planning systems apply effective competitor analysis to develop efficient business plans. Competitor analysis entails observing the number and nature of competitors who present a direct or indirect threat to a business. Additionally, it provides a business with information on the marketplace conditions to help them strategize their marketing. Moreover, competitor analysis helps a business to understand its weaknesses and identify its opportunities enabling it to grow. It also measures its position amongst its competitors. Contrastingly, strategic planning systems direct the activities of a business to help achieve its goals. Furthermore, they also consider the strategies of other businesses to help come up with efficient plans.
effective competitor analysis and strategic planning systems


Primarily, strategic planning systems have five key components. Essentially, they should contain a mission statement that clearly states the goals of a business and the ways that they intend to meet them. Moreover, they should focus on the core values that guide the leaders and employees in the daily activities of a business. Also, they entail the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the business of the current situation. They should also include the effective competitor analysis of competitors and the competitive advantage of the business.
 components of strategic planning systems


Effective competitor analysis begins with the identification of not only the present but also potential competitors. Moreover, it enables a business to study the market and determine their best chances of success. Additionally, it helps in the formulation of a strategy that controls the activities of a business to ensure its growth. Also, they help in the prediction and forecasting of the demand and supply of a business. Not only do they promote the formulation of strategic planning systems but also the expansion and diversification of a business. Furthermore, effective competitor analysis enables a business to understand the strengths and weaknesses of their competitors. Studying the future strategies of competitors helps to predict upcoming threats and opportunities.
 benefits of effective competitor analysis

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