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The effects of global warming have led to the development of global warming solutions. Global warming affects agricultural activities as they are dependent on the climate. Increases in temperature and carbon dioxide can increase some crop yields in some places but decrease yield in some. Industries and human activities are the major causes of global warming. Severe droughts and floods due to climate change make agriculture more challenging, threatening our food security. Climate change and global warming will make it more challenging to grow crops and raise animals. The effects of global warming include global famine and thus the need for global warming solutions.

For more information on the effects of global warming in the long term, click


Several global warming causes contribute to climate change and lead to severe impacts. Global warming is primarily a problem of too much carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere. The carbon dioxide acts as a blanket, trapping heat, and warming the planet. The effects of global warming exist daily, and food security is a looming threat. Certain waste management and agricultural practices aggravate the problem. The activities release other potent global warming gases, such as methane and nitrous oxide. The effects of global warming on the world will increase, and countries should develop global warming solutions. Therefore, environmentalists’ research is essential in developing global warming solutions.


Global warming solutions can help to relieve some of the effects of climate as a result of global warming. Energy efficiency technologies allow for less energy use while ensuring efficiency in carrying out activities. The transportation sector’s emissions are one of the global warming causes and have increased massively over the past decade. A variety of solutions are at hand, including improving efficiency in all modes of transport and switching to low-carbon fuels. Also reducing vehicle miles traveled through smart growth and more efficient mass transportation systems are solutions to global warming. Lastly, the effects of global warming, in the end, will be severe, and new global warming solutions will mitigate that risk.

For more information on the global warming solutions and predicted improvements in the climate, click

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